Page name: Olympian God List [Logged in view] [RSS]
2017-07-13 17:38:12
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Olympian Gods


So that everything is covered, we have limited only one player to each god. There are plenty to choose from so have fun!

Names Functions and attributes:

Zeus King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky, and thunder. Youngest child of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. Symbols include the thunderbolt, eagle, oak tree, scepter, and scales. Brother and husband of Hera, although he had many lovers. Brother of Poseidon and Hades.

Poseidon God of the seas, earthquakes, and tidal wave. Symbols include the horse, bull, dolphin, and trident. Middle son of Cronus and Rhea. Brother of Zeus and Hades. Married to the Nereid Amphitrite, although, like most male Greek Gods, he had many lovers.

Hades God of the Underworld, dead and the riches under the Earth ("Pluto" translates to "The Rich One"); he was born into the first Olympian generation, the elder brother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, and Demeter, and younger brother of Hestia, but as he lives in the Underworld rather than on Mount Olympus, he is typically not included amongst the twelve Olympians.

Hera Queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage and family. Symbols include the peacock, pomegranate, crown, cuckoo, lion, and cow. Youngest daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Wife and sister of Zeus. Being the goddess of marriage, she frequently tried to get revenge on Zeus' lovers and their children.

Persephone Queen of the Underworld and a daughter of Demeter and Zeus. Also goddess of spring time. She became the consort of Hades, the god of the underworld, when he kidnapped her. Demeter, driven to distraction by the disappearance of her daughter, neglected the earth so that nothing would grow. Zeus eventually ordered Hades to allow Persephone to leave the underworld and rejoin her mother. Hades did this, but because Persephone had eaten six of the twelve pomegranate seeds in the underworld when Hades first kidnapped her, she had to spend six months in the underworld each year. This created the seasons when for six months everything grows and flourishes then for the other six months everything wilts and dies.

Athena Goddess of wisdom, handicrafts, defense, and strategic warfare. Symbols include the owl and the olive tree. Daughter of Zeus and the Oceanid Metis, she rose from her father's head fully grown and in full battle armor after he swallowed her mother.

Apollo God of light, knowledge, healing, plague and darkness, the arts, music, poetry, prophecy, archery, the sun, manly youth, and beauty. Son of Zeus and Leto. Symbols include the sun, lyre, bow and arrow, raven, dolphin, wolf, swan, and mouse. Twin brother of Artemis.

Artemis Goddess of the hunt, virginity, childbirth, archery, the moon, and all animals. Symbols include the moon, deer, hound, she-bear, snake, cypress tree, and bow and arrow. Daughter of Zeus and Leto and twin sister of Apollo.

Ares God of war, violence, and bloodshed. Symbols include the boar, serpent, dog, vulture, spear, and shield. Son of Zeus and Hera, all the other gods (except Aphrodite) despised him. His Latin name, Mars, gave us the word "martial.

Aphrodite Goddess of love, beauty, and desire. Symbols include the dove, bird, apple, bee, swan, myrtle, and rose. Daughter of Zeus and the Oceanid Dione, or perhaps born from the sea foam after Uranus' semen dripped into the sea after being castrated by his youngest son, Cronus, who then threw his father's genitals into the sea. Married to Hephaestus, although she had many adulterous affairs, most notably with Ares. Her name gave us the word "aphrodisiac", while her Latin name, Venus, gave us the word "venereal".[B]

Demeter Goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature, and the seasons. Symbols include the poppy, wheat, torch, and pig. Middle daughter of Cronus and Rhea.

Hephaestus Master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods; god of fire and the forge. Symbols include fire, anvil, axe, donkey, hammer, tongs, and quail. Son of Hera, either by Zeus or alone. Married to Aphrodite, though unlike most divine husbands, he was rarely ever licentious. His Latin name, Vulcan, gave us the word "volcano."

Hermes Messenger of the gods; god of commerce, thieves, and games. Symbols include the caduceus (staff entwined with two snakes), winged sandals and cap, stork, and tortoise (whose shell he used to invent the lyre). Son of Zeus and the nymph Maia. The second-youngest Olympian, just older than Dionysus.

Hestia Goddess of the hearth and of the right ordering of domesticity and the family; she was born into the first Olympian generation and was one of the original twelve Olympians, until she gave her throne to Dionysus in order to keep the peace, making her the most generous and gentlest of the gods. She is the first child of Cronus and Rhea, eldest sister of Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera, and Zeus. Also the eldest of the Olympians.

Dionysus God of wine, celebrations, and ecstasy. Patron god of the art of theater. Symbols include the grapevine, ivy, cup, tiger, panther, leopard, dolphin, and goat. Son of Zeus and the mortal Theban princess Semele. Married to the Cretan princess Ariadne. The youngest Olympian, as well as the only one to have a mortal mother.

Asclepius The god of medicine and healing. He represents the healing aspect of the medical arts; his daughters are Hygieia ("Health"), Iaso ("Medicine"), Aceso ("Healing"), Aglæa/Ægle ("Healthy Glow"), and Panacea ("Universal Remedy"). He is the son of Apollo and Coronis.

Eros The god of sexual love and beauty. He was also worshiped as a fertility deity, son of Aphrodite and Ares. He was depicted often as carrying a lyre or bow and arrow. He is often accompanied by dolphins, roses, and torches.

Pan The god of nature, the wild, shepherds and flocks, mountains, hunting, the forest, and rustic music, as well as the companion of the nymphs. The root of the word 'panic' comes from the god Pan.

Nike Goddess of Victory. Nike was very popular, since everybody wanted victory. Olympic athletes would sacrifice to her, as would soldiers before a big battle. Nike would sometimes serve as Athena’s charioteer in battle. After all, the goddess of victory is pretty much the best wheelman you can ask for.

Hecate(Heck’-ate or Heh-cah’-tay) Goddess of magic, crossroads and ghosts. Hecate was a goddess to be feared. The Greeks and Romans respected her power, but didn’t usually worship her. She was the goddess of dark and unknown forces, and the fact that she had three different forms meant you never knew whether she would be a good cop or a bad cop. It was best just to steer clear!

Morpheus Morpheus was a god of dreams who appeared in the literary work Metamorphoses of the Roman poet Ovid. He was the son of Somus and had a thousand siblings. He had the ability to take any human form and appear in dreams, but his actual form was that of a winged daemon.

A. Notes
B. ^ Romans also associated Phoebus with Helios and the sun itself,however, they also used the Greek name: Apollo.
C. ^ According to an alternate version of her birth, Aphrodite was born of Uranus, Zeus' grandfather, after Cronus threw his castrated genitals into the sea. This supports the etymology of her name, "foam-born". As such, Aphrodite would belong to the same generation as Cronus, Zeus' father, and would technically be Zeus' aunt. See the birth of Aphrodite


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2016-04-10 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Ah. Aphrodite it is, then.

2016-04-10 [ancienteye]: XD

2016-04-10 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: LMAO That's funny.

2016-04-10 [Synirria]: Hmmm only 4 gods left... Wow... If anyone can think of any others that I may have missed, let me know. I guess we could also add in Demi-gods

2016-04-10 [ancienteye]: XD There are Greek gods and demigods for /everything/!

2016-04-10 [ancienteye]: Looks like we'll only need two more players to wipe the board clean, though. :P

2016-04-10 [Synirria]: Well and eyelash and Chance are both only playing 1 character each

2016-04-10 [ancienteye]: So if they take on the max, we'll only need one more! :D

2016-04-10 [Synirria]: Who said 2 was the max? lol thats just what we all ended up with and I didnt have many gods so it seemed fair but yes... which I heard one more person was looking

2016-04-10 [ancienteye]: *hopping around* So if there aren't any more takers in a couple of days, I can make a third? :D

2016-04-11 [Synirria]: Ill take it into consideration lol

2016-04-11 [ancienteye]: So all three of the Virgin goddesses are claimed, and all three are succeeded by men. XD XD XD

2016-04-12 [ancienteye]: Ack! Wrong! Wrong! I mixed up Hestia and Demeter! I always do that! /Hestia/ is a virgin goddess with Athena and Artemis! Demeter is a mother!

2016-04-12 [Mortified Penguin]: Who stole my rightful role as Hades? I am the only one who could play such a role. I am the only one who is a living embodiment of Hell. Only I can control the damned and rule the Underworld.

2016-04-12 [ancienteye]: Actually, Hades was one of the most reasonable of the Grecian gods.

2016-04-12 [ancienteye]: When Hercules needed to borrow Cerberus, Hades was all: "Ok. Just bring him back."

2016-04-12 [Mortified Penguin]: You imply I'm not reasonable, madam.

2016-04-12 [ancienteye]: You imply you're Hell incarnate, sir.

2016-04-12 [Mortified Penguin]: I don't imply, I demand. And I reason my reason is reasonably reasonable.

2016-04-12 [Painted Autumn]: Actually no one's playing Hades per-sey. Nobody's playing a god, just their decendants. Could be amusing if we were only allowed to play gods we aren't playing the decendants of....

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